While some Washington companies may reap the benefits of using independent contractors, others may be seriously harmed.
Read MoreAn indemnification clause in a contract represents an agreement by one party to compensate the other party for certain costs and expenses.
Read MoreThe effect of a prevailing party clause is that, if there’s a lawsuit, the losing party pays the winning party’s attorney fees.
Read MoreA severability clause is meant to make sure that the rest of the contract is enforced even if one or more provisions are found to be unenforceable.
Read MoreA merger clause prevents a party to the contract from trying to avoid its terms by claiming that the parties reached some other agreement in a different document or conversation.
Read MoreIf you’ve ever read a commercial contract, you’ve probably come across a force majeure clause. At the time, you probably wondered, what the heck is a force majeure clause?
Read MoreThe terms of use function like a contract between you, the owner of the website, and each person who uses your website. By establishing the rules of your website, you protect yourself from the consequences of bad behavior by others.
Read MoreDealing with contracts probably isn’t your favorite part of running your business. It’s plenty tedious, and there’s nothing glamorous about it. It can—to use a tired metaphor—feel kind of like flossing your teeth.
Read MoreContract negotiation, like public speaking, can be an acutely stressful experience. That’s why it’s helpful to be aware of some common mistakes that are made in negotiating contracts before you start.
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